About Wheel Fun

The health and wellbeing of young children is the foundation for developing strong communities. Wheel Fun (FUN) promotes wellbeing for rural Arizona’s youngest community members by improving public school students’ emotional, mental, and social states; teaching life skills, encouraging physical activity and spending time outdoors.

Wheel Fun is a nonprofit founded in the Verde Valley, Arizona. Our work began as an adventure educational program of the Verde Valley Cyclists Coalition (VVCC) in late 2017 when a road cyclist convinced the VVCC board to do more for the cycling community. We strive to get young people off electronic devices and outdoors onto mountain bikes! We are honored to offer free programs and mountain bikes to a diverse range of socioeconomic backgrounds, races, and identities who would otherwise be unable to participate.

Our Awards Include:

  • Named as a Model Program by the Cottonwood-Oak Creek School District Board – September 2019.
  • Twice named as a Shining Star for its Transformational Work in the Community by the Arizona Community Foundation of Yavapai County in 2019 and 2021.
  • Named as the Collaborator of the Year by the Arizona Community Foundation of Sedona in May 2022.
  • 2022 Awards of Excellence Program Award Winner by the Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence in October 2022.

Verde Valley Wheel Fun was spun off from the VVCC in 2019 so that donations for this program would qualify for AZ charitable tax credits and that its founders could focus on this narrower mission, permitting the VVCC to focus on its much broader mission.

As of Spring 2024, over 1400+ students were enrolled in various programming, including 38 free after-school bike clubs. Three bike parks have been built at public schools, 2 more in the development phase. Wheel Fun is eager to expand its outreach to provide experiences outdoors on bikes to all students in Arizona. We look forward to the future ahead!